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Countdown to COP29: Securing energy distribution and integration

24 October 2024

Denmark at COP29

From 11-22 November, the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish Industry and State of Green organise the Denmark Pavilion at the Climate COP. Read more and discover Denmark’s platform for public-private climate action at COP29.

Read more about Denmark at COP29

Security of supply as EU priority at COP29

Countries, particularly within the EU, are increasingly investing in grid modernisation to make energy distribution more efficient and reliable. Smart grids and the use of digital technology to manage electricity flow are being promoted to enhance flexibility and stability in energy supply. Organisations like the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the European Union’s Energy Union Strategy advocate smart grid technologies to facilitate the integration of renewable energy and improve cross-border energy flows.

Recent regional energy crises have highlighted the importance of supply security, energy distribution, and integration, especially in the EU. To promote energy interconnection, Europe has developed interconnected grids that allow electricity to be traded across national borders, enhancing energy security and reducing costs.


Distributing and integrating energy across borders

This year, Denmark attends COP29 with the ambition of putting energy distribution and integration on the agenda. It marks the first year with a specific Danish sector focus on this area, featuring its own theme and Danish partners representing the sector.

With extensive experience in cross-border power connections, energy partnerships, and system integration, Denmark efficiently links electricity, heating, gas, and transportation to provide reliable, cost-effective energy with minimal environmental impact and an increasing share of renewables. Denmark is progressing towards a fossil-free energy system by 2050, integrating over 70% renewable energy into its smart grid. Additionally, Denmark maintains an electricity supply security of more than 99.99%.

Meet the energy distribution and integration partners at COP29

Visit the Denmark Pavilion to meet experts and solution providers excelling in energy distribution and integration, and discover their targets and ambitions for COP29.

Energy will be the official theme in November at COP29 in Baku. On that day, several events and activities at the Denmark Pavilion will focus on energy distribution and integration, including debates and panels on green hydrogen and the demand for renewables.

Find all the events held at Denmark Pavilion during COP29 (the programme will be updated ongoing).

Learn more about the Danish energy distribution and integration towards a fossil-free energy system by 2050

Denmark is advancing towards a fossil-free energy system by 2050.  By integrating renewable energy sources and implementing advanced monitoring and control systems, Denmark has been able to maintain a high level of energy security while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.



Learn more about energy distribution and integration